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  • Writer's picturemckenzie rae

Mountains out of Molehills

It seems to me that most writers are sort of neurotic. Is there any writer, famous or unknown, that doesn’t have a few demons hidden away in their closet?

I’ve been dealing with anxiety this week, and that always affects my writing--mainly by making it next to impossible to focus on whatever book I’m currently working on. This week, my babysitting schedule changed slightly, I got confirmation that I’ll start learning some new skills to volunteer in a different area at my church, I unexpected spent an afternoon with an injured friend in the emergency room, I’m attending a dinner party where I won’t know everyone, and I also had a panicky moment where I thought I had completely forgotten about and missed a commitment I’d made the previous week.

Oh, and I almost freaked out in a Walmart because social anxiety is a thing, and I didn’t want to talk to an employee to help me get a bottle of makeup remover.

All of that leads to a spiral of general worries about the future, which in turn leads to me tossing and turning at night, unable to sleep.

I think something that perfectly sums up my current state of mind is the fact that I picked an entire mole off of my arm. I have a bit of a compulsive skin picking problem, but this is the first time that I’ve picked at and peeled off a mole.

But one bright spot this week was seeing my little cousins laugh as I tossed pieces of popcorn into the air and caught them in my mouth. So, if you’re like me and you’re a nervous wreck of a person, you’re in good company. And hang onto those silver linings.

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